What is Trust?

Types of Trust in Cambodia
Financial Trust Grants or sub-loans provided by development partners for the purpose of developing banking and micro-financial sector in Cambodia.
Commercial Trust Created for the purpose of making profits or other purposes, for the benefits of the Trust Contributor or the person acknowledged by the Trust Contributor.
Public Trust Created for the benefits of Cambodian people in general.
Social Trust Created when a trustor donates his/her property to the trustee for social benefits such as cultures, education, humanity, religions, or science.
Personal Trust Created by the Trustor for the purpose of transferring assets or funds to Trustee to manage and safeguard for the Trustor's own benefits or for certain individuals.
Trustor Trustee Beneficiaries Transfer of Legal Title Transfer of Equitable Title
Trustor The individual who gives their assets or initial funds to the trust with the right to receive information about the trust management and appointment or termination of the trustee.
Trustee The person who has the right to manage and administer the trust from another trustor for the benefit of the beneficiary, in accordance with the letter of trust or regulations in force.
Beneficiaries The individual(s) who benefits from the trust on the date the trust comes into force, with the exception of certain conditions.

Key Services & Products

Hold Trust Property
Fund Retention Service
Escrow Service
Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA) Service


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in lacinia justo. Nullam nec cursus purus, sed ultricies urna. Duis ligula ipsum, porta eu vehicula quis, viverra non ipsum. Nunc felis enim, eleifend ac orci eu, porta tempor ligula. Suspendisse a nibh tortor. Nam venenatis tempor mauris, ut vehicula neque ullamcorper eu. Cras mauris ipsum, dapibus sed interdum eu, volutpat nec libero. Aliquam id pharetra neque, sed mollis leo.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in lacinia justo. Nullam nec cursus purus, sed ultricies urna. Duis ligula ipsum, porta eu vehicula quis, viverra non ipsum. Nunc felis enim, eleifend ac orci eu, porta tempor ligula. Suspendisse a nibh tortor. Nam venenatis tempor mauris, ut vehicula neque ullamcorper eu. Cras mauris ipsum, dapibus sed interdum eu, volutpat nec libero. Aliquam id pharetra neque, sed mollis leo.